Sunday, July 06, 2003

To Tag Or Not To Tag
Hmmm, the blogs i go to have tagboards. Should i add one? Personally i feel that tags influences the way you write. NO MATTER how you say it doesn't and your writing is still true to your nature at the end of the day. It does... Really.. i mean look at it this way, we response to everything around us. Should we get bad remarks on our tags, we'll tend to modify our phrasing and diction without knowing it. That ultimately defeats the purpose of a blog doesn't it? Why do we blog? To come up with a packaged sugar coated length of words which appeals to everyone? Or to splash what you feel and whatever you want to unload at the end of the day?

On the other hand, people are entitled to their opinions. By NOT providing them with a way to get back to you and express their thoughts on your writing. It does sounds rather irresponsible and selfish. Somehow, i'll be forcing my views onto others without a chance for them to refute me. I hate being forced to do anything... no no i stand corrected. I LOATHE being forced to do anything. Know how you feel when you do something totally against your will, and there's inner tantrum inside you? Sorta in Lilo and Stitch when Lilo slams her head into a pillow and scream? The feeling of wanting to destroy/rip stuff to smithereens inside while forcing yourself to be composed outside for show? Yup, that's how i feel everytime when someone forces their view on me AND leaving me no opportunity to speak my mind....

Ok, I'll tag. Only fair i guess...


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