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Me being toot-y
These photos were taken after my Theatre Studies practical. This session was horrible. Think of it being a 2 hr long "dance" session. We had to do 13 sets of 8 counts movements to a very very very fast song.
Yup, and yours truly have 2 left legs. So I had a hard time catching up. Stood there like an idiot most of the time. The tutor, Miss Nora Samosir is really observant, when the session ended and she was asking us what we learnt...
Nora:"So class, what did you learn today? Or rather, what did you learn about yourself?"
Me: *chuckles* "That I can't move?"
Nora: "But you CAN move! Maybe just that communication between your head and body is a bit slow. That could be because you are someone who spends A LOT OF TIME IN YOUR OWN HEAD and not being with your body. Think about that a bit..."
Wah, she's good man. Hit the nail right on its head.
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