Monday, January 05, 2004


There is something wrong man... Either with Blogger or with my com. I can't view my own page man! And my friends pages too! Whenever I try to access any page, all I get is the Blogger Login page. This is very fustrating! I can upload but I can't see the final product. What the f***!

Am tempted to put my fist through the screen. Fuck anger manangement.


Guess what? Made a new pair of specs! Haha Was trying for a nerd-punk look. So settled for black frames with orange lenses. Wanted glaring fluorescent yellow initially, but the optician refused to sell it to me. He’s mommy’s old friend. They knew each other for ages. Since sec school apparently.

Anyway, he refused to sell me yellow lenses. Apparently the glare isn’t good. So settled for a very subtle (almost barely visible) orange tinge. So there go my plans to collect specs with colors of the rainbow.

He said that colors at the beginning of the spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet), namely red and yellow are too glaring for normal daytime use. Yellow especially, is used for night hunting or when painful contrast is needed. Especially during shooting. Red is plain disastrous. Green is usually used for pilots. (I have no idea why) Yup.

So why did I get orange? Well, it’s special prescriptive lenses. Although it’s orange, you don’t feel the orange tinge AT ALL while wearing it. From Japan. It only comes in blue and orange. With all the benefit of UV protection, multicasting yada yada yada. Basically it’s branded stuff, which costs $180. Guess what? It only came up to $160 with my frames. Think it’s a “special friend” price. He did say he’ll try to keep within my budget of $160. Said that there’s a condition though. Wanted me to be filial to Mommy Dearest. Haha Such a sweet guy.

That’s not all man. He’s going to refurbished my blue specs for free. Will send it to the factory for re-matting of the surfaces. Oh man. How nice can one get?

Before I left, he asked if I had a gal friend. Told him no, he quipped that in the future when I do get one, must bring her to see him, so that he can provide mommy with some feedback. Haha. Real funny guy.

Hang On

Almost… Almost done with my “New Year” entry. Just hold your horses a bit.


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