Monday, July 14, 2003

No, I Do NOT Intend To Woo You
Wat’s this with people asking me if I’m trying to go after them? It’s like the second time this month already! Can’t a guy be plain nice? I don’t know, people complain when you’re mean to them and they get all panicky when you’re nice to them. What’s up with that? Wat’s a guy like me supposed to do? Hey those who know me know that I can be merciless with my tongue and a real meanie at times. And they can also testify to how sweet I can be.

Don’t really blame the two though; guess it’s how differently we gauge the extent of a relationship. Guess my benchmark is different, that’s why. Here’s how I go, isit different from you?
1. I think it is perfectly normal and alright for a guy to see a gal very often (up to every weekends or more) without being gal/guy friends in the romantic sense. (What? You’re trying to tell me members of the opposite sex can’t hang out together? Sheesh which century are you from?)
2. When a guy is nice and asks you out repeatedly, it DOESN”T mean he’s trying to hit on you. (Well maybe) but it COULD mean he’s plain bored right?
3. And what’s this crap about being “steady” friends before dating and seeing each other? Haven’t you heard that “ the only constant is the variable.” The only consistent thing in our world is changes, oxymoron as it may sound but it’s true. Yup, and if you don’t use dates to get to know each other better, watt’s the point of progressing further than friends?
4. In this day and age, the concept of labeling/branding (depends on how you look at it) each other as MY GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND seems so obsolete, at least to me it is. Is there really such a need? Commitment and responsibility to each other goes beyond just a tangible status of the relationship. If he/she really wants to go, shackles and chains will not refrain him/her from doing so.
5. Lastly, being attracted to someone does NOT mean falling hopelessly in love with someone. I can be attracted to you but it does not mean I’m going to go after you ok? Please…

Yup, so I’m just being plain nice ok? Don’t think too much into it, it’ll only stress you and me out. Please, it is possible for guys and girls to have strictly platonic relationships. You can be my brother and I’ll be your sister ok? (Stop giggling Sheila if you’re reading this) And, NO. I wasn’t referring to Sheila; she’s my brother ok? Argh…. There!

Ok. Just to help you further, I’ll give you MORE indicators. When I like some one in the romantic sense,
1. I will not tease you, make fun of you, joke and chat with you. I’ll be so awkward and uneasy.
2. I will clamp up, go quiet, start stuttering and starts mumbling.
3. I’ll mince my words.
4. I’ll just grin at you for no apparent reasons.
(Now don’t you start, Sheila, if you’re reading this, it’s not funny)

There! Happy? Now you can rest easy. Sheesh! Really…


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