Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Why I like hanging with Lalala

Very simple really. She’s interesting. To be precise, her life is (though she’ll beg to differ). This woman has so much happening to her at any one time. Recently, it’s last min shopping for her new boyfriend. Hahaha. You should see her face as she racked her brain trying to recall significant details about her date with Him. Hahaha she was trying to put together some stuff for their one-month anniversary.

Sometimes, I feel like a leech when I’m out with her. It’s the selfish side of me who enjoys being involved in her life. Somehow, I’m living another life through her. Take this instance for example. Going around town thinking hard and searching even harder for pressies, somehow, it makes me feel as though I’m the one shopping for my girlfriend. It’s like I feed off her life experiences and make them somewhat mine. Without actually going through them myself.

I am like… a pathetic parasite that survives on others. A miserable little worm who has no life. I disgust myself sometimes.

Worms should be trodden into the cold earth. That’s where they belong.


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