Monday, May 24, 2004


Just got back from a funeral wake. My uncle passed on. For the past two days (Sat & Sun), I was there.

And I'm depressed by everything. Nono, not sad or devastated, just depressed. Uncle's not a very close relative. He's those I only see twice a year max? One of which being Chinese New Year.

But still, it's sad. Life's fragile. It only hits hard enough when it's someone you know. Was kinda affected when I saw my aunt and his children so... Unaffected. Maybe they're not showing it. Maybe they're relieved in a way. (He died of cancer, maybe it was real bad while he was sick.) Maybe.... (and this came into my mind first) They didn't care anymore.

It sucks.

And for the two days I was there, I daren't go look at him. I was... scared in a way. To me, he's always the generous, happy go lucky, kids adoring, children endearing uncle who loves to have us over at his place. And I was chicken shit, at the notion of having to see him in his frail state.

Loss sucks.


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