Friday, May 28, 2004


Was doing guard duty yesterday and guess what? The dog tried to hump my leg.

Done laughing?


The minute I got down from the rover, the mutt just came up to me. Stood on his rear legs and tried to... hump my leg. I was at a total loss. First instinct was to boot it across the face. But I couldn't do that to a dog. To a human maybe, but not to dogs. Had to yell at it and threaten to splash it with water before it went away. *shakes head* Now, THAT was unnerving.

Bet I looked real hilarious, trying to shake it off, hollering at the top of my voice the whole time. Hope it doesn't happen ever again.

Ice cream.

Did a survey related to ice cream. It's one of them personality test. Well, apparently *rolls eyes*, they can tell from how I eat my ice cream and from the flavours I like that ".. I like to live my life extravagantly". Heh, that's rather true.... Scary man.


Heh, C's back to her cheerful self. Was afraid of talking to her for the past few days, she wasn't in the best of mood. Neither was I, so zipped up for the fear of tripping her off with the wrong stuff.

Volatile. Hahaha Can't believed I used that.

American Idol.

I've always given the first few episodes of every season's AI a miss because I cannot tolerate the horrible singing. Likewise to how I cannot stand stupidity around me, I have zero tolerance for bad singing. I cringe and wince and tear myself up inside whenever I hear bad singing. Sue me. But that's how it is.

But as the season goes on, I'll watch occasionally. And that's where I enjoy myself. Lovely voices, vocal power houses. And tonight, I congratulate Fantasia.

Triumph of Ducky over Tubby. *grins*

Fingers Crossed

Shugah's meeting up with the bf tml. Hope all goes well and that they make up. Hope she doesn't become her usual stubborn self again. It wouldn't do the relationship any good.

Clarke Quay

Heading there on Sat. Will update.


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