Friday, July 02, 2004


Been quite a while since I’ve blogged. Grown rather lazy these days. Then again, I’ve had some excuses distractions.


The Great Singapore Sale. Finally got a chance to do some damage at the GSS last Sunday. Bought two pseudo knitted top from Topman. And three books from Kino. Bought the Life Of Pi, The Bone Collector and a hardcover book of Wilde’s quotes.

The Life Of Pi is really good. Quite a page-turner. Hmmm why did I enjoy it so much? Well, there aren’t any astounding, awe-inspiring quotes. Nor is there a story line so gripping that it has you clinging onto the edge of your seat. The book is just…. Plain simple. Nothing beats a simple book once in a while. No bombastic words, no gargantuan plot. No mind twisting mysteries. Just a simple story. Told from end to end. Maybe with a slight twist towards the end. One that you could almost predict but not confirm till it actually appears. Completed the book in two day (See! Told you it was an easy, leisure read.)

It’s quite a gem. Great for a lazy afternoon read. You peeps should go get it.

Currently two third my way through The Bone Collector. If you’ve seen the movie and liked it, you definitely MUST read the book. It’s way much better than the movie. Thrilling and fast paced. Shall update more when I’m done.

Around The World…. In One Heck Of A Hurry.

Caught the movie with Lingzhi on Tuesday. Code red thunderstorm at home so I decided to delay going back. Really sporty of her to join me for dinner and the movie.

The movie was ok in general. What struck me was the rush in which every location was glossed over. Then again, the viewers don’t have eighty days to spare in the theater do we? The movie was typical Jackie Chan. Most of the stunts were recycled from his early days MANDARIN movies. Chinese bench sparring was from Drunken Masters One. Ladder fight scene with Karen Mok was recycled from Rumble In The Bronx.

Heh. Mr Jackie Chan, you’re so busted!

Haha. Found the part where they trio kidnapped a hot air balloon very “interesting”. Maybe because of the fact that I recognized Richard Branson as the owner of the hot air balloon.

Found it rather amusing. Branson, CEO of Virgin Airlines. Branson, owner of hot air balloon which the trio so unceremoniously took. Grins.

Bill, Finally Killed.

Mei got me the DVDs for Kill Bill Vol I & II from Shanghai. Haha. Love her to bits for them. Thanks!

Kill Bill I I’ve watched four times. Vol II was… Badly pirated. Haha. Some guy with a baseball cap walked past the screen. Enough said. Still, I sat thru the entire Dvd.

Between the two, Vol I has more action. Sue me if you want, but Uma Thurman’s rampage and her man handling of the Crazy 88 army was excellent. Blood spurting here, there EVERYWHERE and limbs getting swooshed and swished off gave me such a raw visceral high.

Vol II has disappointedly less gore and action. It gives the feeling that both Quentin Tarantino and the martial arts choreographer got tired, ran out of ideas, and couldn’t wait to wrap up the day’s work.

The movie's saving grace came right at the end. Bill brought lowness to an absolute high as he manipulates Uma’s daughter to his advantages. No doubt abt him being the ultimate baddy. Yet, the ultimate pain in the ass is always most irritating when he has all the power, holds all the trump cards, think of everything possible and have the whole God damn situation under control. Don’t we just hate em?

But amidst the loathing, there is this tiny, fleeting spark of admiration… If only….


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