Sunday, August 03, 2003

Work Sucks

Went to the gym the other day, was looking forward to the evening out with the guys later. Was planning to play pool and have a few rounds of drinks (Hence the gym, don't want the extra calories). Just when i tot the day was going to end as usual, my officer came in and told me I screwed up some work. When I asked him what did i do wrong, he just mentioned crytically that my ic will let me know tomorrow, WTF!!!! Man, he's such a prick! Useless! Only knows how to spoil people's day. Can't you let me know? If you don't intend to tell me, why do this? Left me hanging for the whole night.
Anyway, I found out the next day that it wasn't really my fault. Apparently it was a carry forward mistake. You know, the kind where your predecessors screwed up, and they only uncover it when you took over? Yup, so i was screwed for...... no reasons at all.
Oh well. Life's a bitch *shrugs*


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