Sunday, October 17, 2004

I Know The One Who Holds The Stars In The Heavens In The Palm Of His Hands.

October tenth. Weiyang’s birthday, and from this day hence, mine too.

Spiritual birthday. *Grins* That’s the day I accepted Christ into my life as my Lord and personal savior. Hmmm, what can I say? Well, the decision was an eventual one I guess. I recognize the fact that there is an almighty being working in our life, and I guess my search for him kinda culminated last weekend in my acceptance of Him.

For quite a while, I’ve been listening to His words. Trying to see for myself if He’s really the one. And for some reasons, something has always been holding me back. I couldn’t convince/affirm myself.

Sandra shared something with me last Sunday.

To be transported by an airplane, we must place our faith in the trustworthiness of the aircraft and the pilot who flies it. Our feelings of confidence or fear do not affect the ability of the airplane to transport us, though they do affect how much we enjoy the trip. In the same way, we as Christians do not depend on feelings or emotions, but place our faith (trust) in the trustworthiness of God and the promises of His Word.”

Kinda read through that twice. And I couldn’t explain it but I felt so at ease. So… reassured. That passage kinda “talked” to me. And finally, it felt right. All the holding back previously, all those unexplained uncertainty just faded away. Maybe, that’s Him making his presence felt.

And so I thank Ivy, for first sowing the seeds relentlessly for two years.

And I thank Sandra, for approaching me and asking and for being so patient when I take my first few baby steps in this journey.

And I thank Francis, Weiyang and the entire cg who tends to me faithfully, without any expectations in return. As how a farmer will seeds that have been sown.

And I thank God. For letting me grow in his garden.


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