Thanks for all the kind words. I’m feeling better already. To Weiyang, Sandra, Lizhen, Francis, Meiming, June and Fel. Thank you all for being concerned.
Fortunately/ Unfortunately, I’ll survive. Muahahahah.
Guys! Remember my previous article about Creative “aggressive” *gag* advertising? Well, here’s the recent update! They are offering discounted price for new Zen players if people trade in any Ipod. Yes, SPECIFICALLY the Ipod.
Hmmm. I don’t get it? Why? Why go to all these expense just to target ONE specific brand? There are other players in the market you know. Hmmm. Ipod hasn’t unveiled any promotions in retaliation. Come to think of it? I doubt they will. You don’t see Ferrari or Lamborghini slashing the price of their cars just because the price war is heating up. Heh. Think there’s this certain appeal about certain products. Can I use "Snob Appeal" in this case?
On the other hand, there are other brands/ products that... Hmmm, How shall I put it? No matter how good their product is, their… Very "brand" can be such a turn off. Take the new Proton Gen 2 for example, excellently designed car with praiseworthy performances. BUT it’ll have to be winter in hell before I’ll buy one. Heck! I’ll rather be caught with my pants down than to be caught driving one.
To all those Proton drivers out there? It’s just me. Dun get too upset. *Grins*
Unless of course, they’re giving away Protons and Zen players for free. Hahaha. That’s a good ideas eh, Mr. Sim? *Nudge nudge* Hahaha.
Then again. I’ll most prob just sell my free Zen player off eBay and get some accessories for the Ipod…
Haha. I’m going bonkers. Think it’s the fever….
FEVER! In the morning… Fever all through the night…. Ladidadida.
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