Saturday, August 16, 2003

Oops... She Did it Again

Initially, I made plans with a friend to catch "The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen" tomorrow, yup, but she kinda cancelled on me, AGAIN. But nobody's at fault. She said she made plans with someone else earlier and it slipped her mind. *Shrugs* Fair enough, nobody's at fault. Can't /won't blame anyone. Just very disappointed here. It's not the first time this happened.

Hooray For Ming!

Guess what? All's not lost! Ming agreed to try to make it for the movie tomorrow. Yup, she agreed to catch it with me since the other friend couldn't make it! Yay! Hahaha it's either tomorrow or on Tuesday, she needs to check her schedule first. Hahaha been a while since I last saw her. Hmmm...


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