Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Go Plug Your Nose Elsewhere

I loathe those medicated inhalers that people plug into their nose. To relieve nasal congestion or something. Think they look plain gross. Every time someone talk to me with that precariously hanging out of their nostril, I have this strong overwhelming urge to shove it up their nose. Hey, it’s supposed to relieve blocked nose right? Just helping…

You don’t shove stuff up your arse when you have constipation do you? Think my friend… think.

Funky Uncle

Saw this 40 plus almost hitting 50 dude on the train. Real cool chap. He was dressed in some funky shirts carrying a Crumpler backpack. Clipped to his belt was the Ipod and on his head was the largest pair of headphones ever.

Rawk on dude!

Bored Guys and Clueless Victims

Yesterday was a crawling slow day. As usual, bored ns guys have ways of entertaining themselves. Moomaster and Crankymike started tearing up documents that was to be shredded. Crankymike won (of course).

Following that, as inspired by the movie “Love me if you dare”, Crankymike dared Moomaster to hit an Indian driver over the head five times without the driver flinching or getting mad. (You won’t want ANY drivers mad at yer, the next thing you know, you might be scraping yourself off the road).

Crankymike won again. Conned the driver into a free massage. Rapped him on his back and shoulders before giving him 5 SOLIDS RAPS OVER THE HEAD WITH MY KNUCKLES. What can I say? I’m good.

Next up, we’ll see who manages to contort Gabriel’s face into five different expression… MANUALLY.



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