Wednesday, September 17, 2003


Heard a mandarin song by Celest Chong (the actress/model) today. The lyrics of her song translate loosely into,

I don't know how to fly
And so I walk slow and steady
I don't know how to fly
Yet I've never cease yearning for the sky

For I am sure one day, given time
I'll reach and touch the sky

Somehow, that sounded really nice and inspiring. May be it sounds a lil idealistic, that in this day and age whereby dreams are sacrificed for other pressing needs, that it is still possible to dream. Even the richest brat in the world who has the entire world at his feet and his whole life laid out for him even before he's born dreams. He dreams of freedom and many others that we take for granted. High profilers dreamof the simpler things in life, bottom feeders dream of the finer things in life.

I'm a person to seek comfort in dreaming. Like I always say, a little fantasy (not the erotic kind) never hurts. Guess to me, fantasy brings some solace to our otherwise harsh and pragmatic life.

To some, dreaming has become a sin, seen most of the time as a bad habit, a bane, a waste of precious time. Some even see it as an indication of being immature. How many times have we seen a person being labelled childish when he he or she talks about their dreams? How many of us tend to date members of the opposite sex who are known dreamers? Must dreamers be people incapable of giving the sense of security many people look for in a relationship? How many times have we heard people refusing to consider others as potential relationship partners on the grounds that they are "childish" and that they are "idealistic" and that they "dream too much"?

I shudder to think of life without any dreams.


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