Friday, September 05, 2003

Get Some

Today, during one of the many breaks that peppered my course everyday, the guys decided to talk abt their conquests in bed. What's up with that? Never understood why guys like to compare head counts when it comes to sex? It's definitly more than just a number issue. And what's there to be proud of? So what if you've been getting a lot? So what if you've been getting a lot from so many? Woah, if you think it's an accomplishment that you got so much so easily, I'm sorry for you man. Nothing to be proud of hanging with people who don't treasure themselves. If she can do it with you, trust me, you aren't the only one.

It's people like this that gets all NS guys branded desperate. Please... not everyone's awed by your sexcapades. There's more to life than nookies all right? Don't you guys find it weird at all? Bed talk should be left to the bed room. Period.

Like what Andre says, it's usually people who don't get any that talks about it most. Sorta "self- glorifying" I guess, makes them feel less insecure. You know, the "I'm good at something " feeling. Haha.

I hope you all fucking die of Aids.


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