Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Busy As A bee

Cake 2... Mike needs to take a hint. Hahahaha

We are all busy!

What happens when the photographer takes too longto prep...


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Random Photos

I enjoying standing at the edge of the bus bay and staring long and hard at the headlights of on coming vehicles. Sometimes you get so dizzy and start wobbling just a little...

What drives the computer?

Mozzie attack 2!

I have no idea what he saw man...


The screening went well on Friday. Would like to thank a few people who has been indispensable, be it for the first short film or the latest one.

  1. Derek, for being the DoP for both films. For putting up with my obsessive compulsive demands during editing. For honesty and never trying to hoodwink me with "this cannot be done" when I ask him to do certain stuff that is tedious and troublesome.
  2. Cheryl and Sinyee, for putting in everything to make sure that the film went well and for contributing really funky and smart ideas throughout the process.
  3. My caregroup members, for being encouraging in all my wacky, frivolous creative endeavors.
  4. Dr Edna Lim and Dr Gilbert Yeoh, for providing an outlet/means for me to put my thoughts into tangible action and work & encouraging different perspectives. For never putting down students' ideas.
  5. Alphy, for your kind words, interests and enthusiasm in my projects. For never dismissing my work as frivolous. For being angry that I didn't show it to you- It is uplifting to know that someone actually wants to see it. =)
  6. Grace Wee, for your generosity in agreeing readily to take part in potential projects in the future. For supporting a friend in his amateur artistic endeavors.
***Updates 2***

Links on the left have all been updated. So sorry for the delay!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Reel Revolution - “Reflections on the ASEAN Community” in celebration of ASEAN 40th Anniversary

A Short Film Programme and Competition by
The Substation Moving Images and The Singapore Institute of International Affairs
26 MAY to 14 JULY 2007

21 to 23 June 2007, 7pm and 9pm, The Substation Theatre
Tickets at $6 and $4 Enquiries 6337 7800.
Hi guys! My team's second short film will be up at the screening tonight (9 p.m). Am a bunch of nerves now, there will be screening of various short films from Taiwan, Australia, Serbia and more. Do pop by if you can make it!

Jump Shot

I went to the National Museum thrice within the crazy short span of 4 days. Haha

Think I'll lay off posting jump shots for a bit. Everyone's doing it.

Quick One

Hung out on Wed with the Romanis Siao Charbor aka. Jocelyn, Alicia aka. Aaron and San Bear at Novus, National Museum. Cool place, good music, even better company.

Had a good time catching up! I did a quick count and guys, OUR FRIENDSHIP IS APPROACHING 7 YEARS! Really amazing when you looked back at it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

This is a Dengue Fever Alert Announcement

The dengue fever cases are rising in Singapore. Please do your part by emptying stagnnant water etc etc etc. Yada yada yada.

Once they breed you will bleed. *cringe*

You never know where they will strike

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Random Photos

Caffeine... I need caffeine...

Baked rice (HK adaptation)

*Ginos peeps*

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Creepy Crawlies

Saw this spider egg sac outside the studio the other day. That thing is huge! It's about the size of a softball! We ran a quick check on Google images....

OH MY LORD. Usually the spiders are about twice the size of the egg sac so the spider can move it around.... This mean that we have a huge ass mutha****** spider around.
