Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Random Post

(think I'm turning into a botanicals photographer)

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Results are Out!!!

Haha, results were out on Saturday! But I didn't post till now cause I wanted to get the two photos below from the studio's computer.

They pretty much summarized how I felt when I saw my grades.

I know, I can be such a dick sometimes. (:

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bible Study

Was tasked to co-lead my first bible study session a few weeks back. It was a bit embarrassing as I kept looking to Tery for cues as to what to do. Plus the turnout was very very healthy. While that was a good thing, it kinda added some stress. But I felt it went rather smoothly.


Most of the CG turned up.

Terry and I spoofed the combined service by having eng and chinese translation at the same time.

The sisters hard at work choosing worship songs.

Special guest: Sean's our friend from KL. He plays a mean guitar.

Transparencies = Old School

Sandra distracted.

Deep in thought.... "Where to for supper?"

Struggling with Chinese verses.



Saturday, May 26, 2007

Three Supremes

Headed down to Chef Chan's a few days back. We wanted to try his cooking before his restaurant closes this Sunday.

The food was fantastic, a bit heavy on the palate but remarkable nonetheless. We tried two of his three supremes- the roast chicken and the stir fried beef tenderloin. The sharksfin was way out of my budget lah. Ha ha.

It's amazing how Chef Chan could whip out so many goodies with ordinary day to day ingredients you can find in any kitchen. Shall not go too much into details what we had. In short, the food reviews were all right. That Chef is top notch.

The menu says it all.


Sebastian & Diana

My "Bosses"

Dan completed his exams that very same day. Hyperly insane.

Grace playing along

He's munching on her ear.

Justin looks on in sheer terror.

Diana taken aback

Yea, Dan's going all goofy from the post exam high.

A bib forced upon Terry.


Three hungry men

*stomach rumbles*


Terry tries to summon the food with his magic fingers.

Poof! Teapot first.

Dan eyeing the other ear.

Ready to pounce.

Terry and Ginos

Two horses pls.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Life in Plastic is Fantastic

Ok, quick post before dinner. Took a break in the afternoon, went outdoors and took some photos.

More to come!

Hmmm. Nothing there.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rumbly Tummy

We worked late the other day and Ginos kindly cooked dinner for us. The amount of food was a bit overwhelming. Think the addition of one more person in the studio threw her aproximation off... WAY off.

I was lost in my abyss of pasta for a long time.

Not complaining though. That woman can cook! Yum!

Pasta for dinner!


And eating...

Oh you get the idea...

Friday, May 18, 2007


Heh. Terry & Ginos got me a surprise today!

Cake from Lana Cake Shop!

Yes, I couldn't stop grinning.

Couldn't wait anymore.....

Internship Updates

As you all know, I was initially offered an internship with Motion Picture Association of America. Turned out the wanted free interns, being a resume whore I was torn between taking it up or giving it up. Three months with no pay can be quite harsh. Almost third world living conditions.

Though I'm sure that I would learn a lot there, the notion of being a whore means the presence of monetary transaction of some kind. So... I dropped the internship.

Oneeyeclick has been extremely kind to adopt me for the summer! So I started work this week and on my first day of work, there happened to be a corporate shoot for Chanel. Talk about starting the internship with a bang!

It was an "eye opener", for more details, message or mail me. Winks

Us after the Chanel shoot.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Red Dot Traffic Museum

Checked out the monthly exhibit/ flea market the other day with the CG. Had a swell time!

The background says it all...

Wah quite comfy hor?

Free Beer!!! Artsy Stuff all around. Heaven on earth!

I win!

Mr Postman!

Mr Postman 2!

Boyband photo. We'll gonna make this into an album cover!

Maybe we shall call ourselves Eastlife.

Off we go. Date with Spidey...

All aboard the magic schoolbus.