Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bright and Cheery

Today was one of the few rare sunny days we have had in quite a while. Actually saw a lot of people sitting around soaking in the warmth.

I once saw a movie starring Karen Mok and Takeshi Kaneshiro. I vividly recall Kaneshiro taking pictures of the sky everytime he misses his ex gf. He sent her this huge package with tons of clouds/sky photos in it. All of them were tagged with the location and date. Nice!


Met up with Jen and Hong Ting for tea today. Hung around at the Central Forum while waiting for our afternoon class to start. Bridgitte joined us soon after.

Aloof and cool

Sweet and Soft spoken

Mysterious Bunny Handler

Bling A Ding Ling

Cheryl's starting on a lil venture. She's making nice girly accessories. Check out Cheryl's website for more designs.

What's a nice guy like me to do but to show some concrete support? Got a few items from her. Here's one of it.

Got this!

Close-up shot. Yes yes I do love macro shots.

Guess who did I give it to?

Christine "Peanut" Chew

Yup, Met up with her to pass her the portraits taken at Oneeyeclick. Will upload the pictures soon. After asking her permission of course!

That girl went ahead and got herself braces. Chink Chink Chink!

p.s. Sheila Ann Melbye! If you are reading this, are you going to make anymore new stuff?

Funny Poster

Saw this outside one of the toilet in NUS. Guess someone's voicing out his opinion. (Btw, I agree)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Artsy Fartsy (well almost...)

Unglam Photos

Uploaded with kind permission from Jas of course.....

This taste funny *cringe*

Yea, it really taste funky...

Err... No tissue...

Me being toot-y

These photos were taken after my Theatre Studies practical. This session was horrible. Think of it being a 2 hr long "dance" session. We had to do 13 sets of 8 counts movements to a very very very fast song.

Yup, and yours truly have 2 left legs. So I had a hard time catching up. Stood there like an idiot most of the time. The tutor, Miss Nora Samosir is really observant, when the session ended and she was asking us what we learnt...

Nora:"So class, what did you learn today? Or rather, what did you learn about yourself?"
Me: *chuckles* "That I can't move?"
Nora: "But you CAN move! Maybe just that communication between your head and body is a bit slow. That could be because you are someone who spends A LOT OF TIME IN YOUR OWN HEAD and not being with your body. Think about that a bit..."

Wah, she's good man. Hit the nail right on its head.

Mandy Pandy

I got to know Amanda during my first semester in NUS during my Media Writing module. Has been good friends ever since (though she has a knack for disappearing below the radar for months on end.) This semester we're sharing another module- Communications Management. Haha, think it'll be a blast working with her again.

It's such a small world, Amanda was browsing through my camera when she saw pictures of Ronald. Turns out they know each other from YFC. Always knew that Amanda's very active with church activities, never knew it was with YFC though. Such a small world.

More specifically, it struck me as such a small CHRISTIAN world. Amanda's one of the few rare Christian friend I have and turns out that she knows Ronald. I don't know why, but I was kind of expecting larger degree of separation there. Hmmm food for thought.

Amanda acting pitiful

Mandy Pandy rushing her reaction paper 20 mins before it's due

Anyway, Ronald was commenting that it's good to know that Amanda's a friend. "She'll be able to give you very good advice and counsel."

Ronald, you forgot something very important. We're both ARTS student. HAHAAHAHA. She's my partner in crime most of the time! Haha. Just like how she made me take a picture of her grabbing her own boobs in the lecture theater.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Artsy Fartsy

(yea a bit narcissistic I realised....)

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday Jennifer!!! Wishing you the best in the year to come. Stay youthful and vibrant always! Live long & laugh loudly!!!

Big Apple

Celebrated Yunxin's birthday on Saturday! Can you guess where we went?

New York New York

Intriguing cake

Dan Splitting the Cake

Philli Cheese Steak Pizza

Bacon and Shrooms Pasta

Errr... Burger?

Bacon wrapped bratwurts *tick tock tick tock tick tock*

BBQ ribs

Calamari (aiyah sotong say sotong lah... act atas. KAOZ)

Us enjoying our food

Me bugging Ron

Ron at the end of the evening... Poor guy!


Met up with Jasmine last Wednesday after my Theater Studies practical. The practical was great fun. Very dynamic, we ran around in the dance studio barefooted. Did stretching and breathing exercises. Sounds like a play group for undergrads right?

Anyway, I digressed. Met up with Jas after the practical. She had a long break before her class at 7 p.m. (yah, ridiculousFUNKY timing right?) so we went for a drive around the "neighbourhood."

Set off for Queensway shopping center. But guess where did we end up? Lorgan's Retro Store. The place is rather hidden and obscure. It's like stepping into another era. Furniture there are ridiculously exorbitant though. A refrigerator for SGD$2500, a table clock for SGD$120.... Go figure... Their chair collection is really cool though. Remember the Man In Black Chair? The eggshell chair that engulfs you as you sit in it? They have that! They had fluorescent translucent version which you can hang from the ceiling but we kinds agreed that they has a "Strip joint" appeal to it. Heh.

Went on to Villa Bali. The place is pretty cool. The Balinese theme is gorgeous! Will be a very suitable place for ROM or even a wedding function. Die lah, still suffering from the roadshow. Everything's got to do with bridal. Haha. We had the Tandoor Butter Chicken and the Dirty Duck Satay.

Went back to Villa Bali again on Friday. This time at night and with the CG. WOAH, that place ROCKS at night. Haha, had a few drinks and could see Sandra going a bit tipsy. Haha. Terry made a comment on the Dirty Duck satay.

"Wah, $12 for satay! And the duck is dirty somemore!"

................................ Hahaha. Think i read it off somewhere, they are called dirty duck cause they are spotted and look as though they just came in from the muddy padi fields. Oh, did i mention that unlike most duck dishes, the duck satay is remarkably juicy? Pretty delish.

Sorry about the lack of photos. I left the camera at home. (:

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Artsy Fartsy

Brides Asia 2007

Was busy over the latter part of last week, hence the lack of updates. Hope SOMEBODY dun take it to heart. Hahaha. Was helping Terry and Ginos with their bridal roadshow at Suntec. Response was really good. In fact, it was the best out of the roadshows that we've done. Terry's a happy man. Haha. so am I.

Ginos throwing up her hands in mock exasperation. Look at the amount of things to be shifted!

Suntec. Terry engrossed in paperwork. Me taking a breather.

Distracted by the exhibitor's pass.

Setting up. Thank God Lin Biao came to help. So many improvisions, that man never fails to amaze me with how he makes use of limited resources.

Trying to make sense of the chaos.

Tadah! The final setup! Yes! We brought a COUCH and a LAMP there. Nice touch don't you think?

Check out the gorgeous life size print of Martin and Sandy.

The "Advance Team"

Day One

Terry and Ginos

Me doing what I do best. PRETENDING to be busy.
Day Two

We modified the setup a lil bit after the first day there.

Terry and Dan taking a rare breather.

Busted! Nope, we weren't skiving. This is us wolfing down our lunch before the crowd comes.

Grace eyeing my fries.

Such a concidence, HuW and Joelle's album shows them eating. So were we!

Ginos and Grace

How come it looks so empty? I hear you ask. Well, cause we had no chance to take photos once the people started coming in. Haha. Yup that's right! There were times when we couldn't entertain some of the couples at our booth because everyone was already attending to customers.

I love helping out at their roadshow. The hectic pre-roadshow mad rush is very invigorating! Then you get to look at beautiful photos for three days straight. Lastly you get to meet couples so hopelessly in love. How cool's that!

Oh, Prof Duffy from NTU mass comm actually dropped by our booth from the symposium downstairs! And he liked our work, such a compliment. Heh. I actually closed two deals! Haha that's a first.

I guess staying true to Oneeyeclick's policy/belief of NO harassing NOR pressurising the potential customers really helped. It's a freaking cut-throat and intense industry. Word of warning, bridal studios can be really harassing. But you should never let them harass you into any thing. Couples were so "abused" and turned off by them that they walked around the exhibition hall dodging every other exhibitor. Tsk tsk.

I guess we did SOMETHING right, cause customers that stopped by our booth all expressed gratitude that we didn't harass/emotionally blackmail them into anything. Most were happy that we actually took time to listen to their needs and cater something for them, instead of just trying to force something onto them.

See! Just shows how far you can go by being nice and actually LISTENING. Feel free to visit Oneeyeclick for all of your photography needs!