Off The Radar
Hi peeps. Will be taking an indefinite break till my new laptop comes in. Ciao
Mike Needs Help
Van passed me this t shirt she got me over Xmas. So cute right? tickled me pink, think I shall wear it to every CG session.
Not for the faint of heart
Little Red Dot
Church Shots
Viva La Vivo
Finally caught me spying on her. She was putting together something for me. So sweet right? To think I didn't get her anything for the festivals. Haiz...
Chilli Cheese Dog
Had a hot dog at the hot dog joint. Think it was SuperDog or something. Anyway, it's quite bad. Is it just me? But it doesn't make a lot of sense to cut the bun ALL the way through if you're serving a CHILLI dog does it? It was one of the crappiest messiest meal I ever had. Had chilli oozing from my fingers, topping dropping all over the place etc.
Uber unsatisfactory.
I dunno why, the antagonistic side of me didn't surface that day. I actually just let it slide.
Maybe I'm getting old.
Red Chair Red
International Student's Night
Family Gathering