Hello! I’m Mark.
Guys at work are having the time of their life. Quite tragic really, their sense of fun I mean. They have begun to call me Mark instead of Mike, it’s so irritating! No matter how much I try to correct them, they refuse to revert back to Mike. They seem to get such a kick out of calling me mark and pretending not to hear me when I correct them. They seemed so amused by the whole incident. Freakin juvenile!
You guys know that in the first place, mark’s a name that has never sat well with me. *Gives disdainful wave of wrist* Hahaha never get involved with anything Mark-ish, that’s wat I always say.
That’s the NOT only irritating part abt being labeled a mark. It’s the way they pronounced the word. And I thought mike’s already simple and fool proof enough already. You know, one syllabus, no twisting of the tongue required etc etc… No…. they prefer going for a much more challenging mark. And wat happened? They screwed it up naturally. From them, it sounded more like “mach”, without the subtle “rrrrr” sound. Guess it’s too difficult for their simple brains to process and execute. Hahaha. Too complex.
Doubt they can afford speech therapy either. Boy, I’m mean aren’t I?
Sushi with Lalala
Tuesday was payday. YAY!!! Asked her out for dinner at Sakae’s. Food was great! Always is with Sakae. Been quite a while since I last had Jap. Think the last time was San’s bday at the esplanade.
Anyway, had chawanmushi, fried tofu (wasn’t that fantastic, don’t know why she took so many of those), unagi and hotane sushi. Oh! And my favorite sweet bean curd skin sushi! I know it’s not worth the money but what the heck? It’s the simplest things that tastes the bestest
Sheila has a soft spot for the steamed eggs and tofu. She likes them as much as I like salmon roe, shrimp roe and scallops. Peeps I know always comment that roe consumption’s rather cruel. Says that thousands of lives are gone with every mouthful. Hey, do I look even vaguely concerned? Sheesh! Too bad for them. Hahaha that’s the destructive side of mikey speaking!
So walked around a bit after dinner (at Bukit Batok? *rolls eyes*), she was looking at hand phones AND ice cream. (Man, she can still eat?!?!?!) Conversation fodder was the usual- Sheila and her guy problems. Hahaha yep! Just sat around and listened. Anyway, guys with fleshy sagging ear lobes? You can back out of the line already! Hahahha *ducks the hail of stones*
8 Days Every Week!
This week’s 8 days has a page abt palm reading. Well, going by what they say, I’m demonstrative and passionate in love. At the same time, I’m a rather needy and horny person. Cool! It’s very accurate. *winks* Oh, I’m an innovative and happy go lucky person who can be a hopeless romantic at times. Hmmm…..
There’s another page… the weekly horoscope. You won’t believe how freakingly accurate it is. Sheila’s star said that she will be expecting some generosity from her friends, guess wat? I treated her to sushi… Hmmm…. Wonders of the universe.
Mid Autumn Festival
Had guard duty. What a bore! Initially thought that I would have a great view of the moon at Nee Soon. (it’s near Mandai, hence the clear dark skies.) But no…. it had to pour in the evening. Darn clouds blocked out everything. So it was a cold, lonely, unhappening mid autumn. What a disappointment!